medical examination bed

Property Description
Maximum loading weight
bed height range
Mattress coating material synthetic pvc leather synthetic pu leather Genuine Leather cotton plastic
Mattress internal material Hot foam cold-cure foam sponge polywood
body material metal wood plastic fiberglass
Frame surface finish Electrostatic powder coating Nickel - Chrome Plating
Mattress thickness
overall lenght
overall width
number of moving modes
Bed Mattress type 1 fold tow pieces Three piece 4 fold
bed Frame color group white black red pink yellow orange green blue violet purple navy brown silver golden gray
bed Frame color
Bed Mattress coating color group white black red pink yellow orange green blue violet purple navy brown silver golden gray
Bed Mattress coating color
Features Adjustable back adjustable foot rest adjustable height Adjustable armrest Adjustable headrest Ability to install handhold adjustable general degree ability to install serum stand ability to install surgical light Waterproof and washable with tub with brake wheels Ability to install Medical roll Ability to install gynecological base with handrail around the bed Interchangeable to chair Ability to install padding for Hair Trendelenburg with bedside table Water proof Cabinet under the bed Bumpers in four sides of the bed Ability to install bed pole hoist
after sales service Warranty guarantee shipping installation
guarantee period day week month year
warranty period day week month year
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